Twitter fiend?

Apparently I’ve been updating Twitter madly, which is new for me. I’m usually a bit too long winded for 140 characters. I’m trying my best to keep it brief, though. So far it’s working.

As far as NaNoWriMo goes, I’m about 5000 words behind where I need to be for the day. I’m going to try to marathon today and see if I can’t get caught back up. There is the big family thing next Thursday through Saturday, so I can’t guarantee I’ll be able to do massive amounts of writing then. I’ll just have to do my best until I leave Wednesday.

And to keep myself honest, I’m posting my word count widget through the NaNoWriMo site here.

Small site updates

I’m still making site tweaks. I’ve left the comments off on the rest of the site, but comments are now available on the blog. This was something that I had been meaning to do ever since I switched the site over to WordPress. However, I was having some difficulties finding how to go about cutting off comments on pages but not on posts. For anyone else hunting for a solution to this same issue, the answer can be found on the second post here.

Otherwise, it’s more of the same. I have been scrounging up some time to write at least 750 words a day on the second Tales of the Supers book. It’s harder than it sounds, when I’m already doing three jobs, but I’m giving it my all. And if I’m writing when I’m at lunch or during lulls at one of the other jobs, so be it. I have a story, and I think it’s time to tell it, and I’m enjoying telling it. This is a winning combination, I think.

I do need to start gathering stock images so I can work on making a cover. I think that has to be done ahead of time with CreateSpace, or I can pay them to have it done. Again, this is just my understanding.

EDIT: CreateSpace has a free cover creator service or you can pay to have one made. You can also upload your own premade image. This is good. It’s good to have option. I feel like I have more than I did with LuLu with that other name or with the publisher I used under that other name.

And on a more personal note, with everything else that’s going on, I’m also in the midst of trying to lose about 40 to 50 pounds, mostly by just eating healthier, and I’ll be moving in a few months or sooner, depending on if I can get another “real” job before I start back to school in January. I swear, I’ve never been this busy before in my life. When it rains, it pours, right?

Things to do

See? What did I tell you? More posts.

The book is still with my second editor, but I have at least finished the edits from the first editor. Apparently, my Microsoft Word got stuck on a British English dictionary at some point, because she caught all kinds of things where I was spelling things incorrectly for an American audience. This is why it is a good idea to have editors, especially someone willing to do line edits, before you self-publish.

There are still so many things I need to do before I can get this one out in the world. I still need to do author photos (before you guys just end up with a picture of one of my cats), and once all the edits are done, I need to have it copyrighted with the Library of Congress. Those are the big two, really. The latter will take a few weeks to get to me once it’s done, if I remember correctly from the last time I sent something in (again, under that other name). It’s been a bit, though, so I’m not 100% on the amount of time it takes. I just know I’m not paying the nearly $80 for expedited. That’s just too rich for my blood.

In the meantime, I’m working on the second book in the Tales of the Supers series… in between the day job, the contract editing job, and the blogging contract job. It’s a full day, let me tell you. But there will be more Tales of the Supers, and you can count on that.

Post-April 2013 Camp NaNoWriMo

Somehow… Somehow… I managed to finish Camp NaNoWriMo with over 58,000 words—and a completed novella. The first Tales of the Supers is done, and it’s currently at the pre-readers/editors for now.

Hopefully, they should be done with it before too long. At that point, I’ll go ahead with the copyright, sending it to Library of Congress, then it will be time to finally give CreateSpace a try. I’m not even going to try sending it companies this time around; it’s probably a bit too… something for any of them to be willing to pick it up. I got burned with the books I wrote (under a different name), and I think it will be a while before I consider trying another publisher, aside from self-publishing. I might give another go, but it will be a while yet.

But, please, be expecting actual content on this site before very much longer.

See you all then!