Welcome Aboard

After quite a bit of delay, I’m finally working on getting content available on the site. It’s still a bit lean, but I am working on it! Slowly but surely, I promise you there will be content.

Writing has, sadly, been a slow moving process. Part of that has been for health issues, but a lot of it has been a horrid case of writer’s block. I suppose I could blame that on the health issues as well, but it seems like a bit of a cop-out.

The first book in Endless Loop is about 75% completed. The first in the series of superhero stories is about 30% completed. The Knickers fic is, at least for now, dropped in favor of stories that I think I can finish in a decent amount of time. As for the others I’m working on, I really not in a place where I can say too much on their progress. I like what’s written on them, but I’m not sure how well they would do out there in the world.

So hopefully, there will be more to this site soon. Hopefully, changing the site over from static HTML to a CMS-controlled one will help as well. One less thing to handle, right?

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