The battle is over

Tales of the Supers - ebook

I almost can’t believe I’m finally ready to announce this. Tales of the Supers 1 is finished. It’s up on Smashwords for ebooks, and it’s on CreateSpace for print. In the next week, it should be available on Amazon itself for print and Kindle, and within a few more weeks, it should be available at other bookstores and for library orders. It may also be a few weeks before the electronic format shows up in other online bookstores, such as Barnes and Noble and Kobo and so on. I will, of course, update when these are available.

If you order from Smashwords, you have the option of several formats, including PDF, epub, mobi, online, and several others. This covers most formats used by digital readers. If there is a format you need that you don’t see available on Smashwords, let me know in a comment to this post, and I’ll see what I can do to get a copy available in that format for you.

You will note that I had to change the cover. CreateSpace was being quite a stick in the mud about the cover I had created… and I suck at math, so I wasn’t even going to try to figure out the complex goings on behind spine width and bleed and so on.

Yay, I’m so excited! It’s finally here and available.

A teaser

Endless Loop 1: Color of Life

This post is mostly for one thing and one thing alone: a teaser image. I’ve finished the cover for Endless Loop 1: Color of Life. The editing on the book is still ongoing, but the cover itself is done.

I’m at work on Endless Loop 2: Blood and Sacrifice for NaNoWriMo this year. As of right now, I’m over 9,000 (!!!) words in, and I think it’s going quite nicely. The live-in pre-reader, Kari Bishop, enjoyed the first chapter; I haven’t gotten her to look at Chapter Two yet. (Though maybe I should be making her read Color of Life in an editing capacity before I give her too much of Blood and Sacrifice, huh?)

So, yeah, this is what happens when I have access to free stock images, Photoshop, and pretty fonts. I make covers. They’re not as good as professional covers by any means, but I’m not a professional cover artist.

And now… back to Blood and Sacrifice. Wish me luck.