Author photos, at last!

At long last, the author photos are now available!

Of the set that Kari Bishop and I took, we ended up with three good ones. I put it to Facebook to decide which one was the best… and it came to a tie. So I have made an executive decision: one will be used on my author page here on the site, one will be used for my profile image on Facebook and Twitter, and the third will be used on the actual books. So I’m thinking that’s a good thing… other than WordPress not cooperating with my photo posting needs. (It refuses to resize. Grr! I’ll wrangle it in Photoshop when it’s not the middle of the night.)

In the meanwhile, I leave you with the three photos!

Ellie Hicks Ellie Hicks Ellie Hicks

A teaser

Endless Loop 1: Color of Life

This post is mostly for one thing and one thing alone: a teaser image. I’ve finished the cover for Endless Loop 1: Color of Life. The editing on the book is still ongoing, but the cover itself is done.

I’m at work on Endless Loop 2: Blood and Sacrifice for NaNoWriMo this year. As of right now, I’m over 9,000 (!!!) words in, and I think it’s going quite nicely. The live-in pre-reader, Kari Bishop, enjoyed the first chapter; I haven’t gotten her to look at Chapter Two yet. (Though maybe I should be making her read Color of Life in an editing capacity before I give her too much of Blood and Sacrifice, huh?)

So, yeah, this is what happens when I have access to free stock images, Photoshop, and pretty fonts. I make covers. They’re not as good as professional covers by any means, but I’m not a professional cover artist.

And now… back to Blood and Sacrifice. Wish me luck.