Site updates

I’ve made some more updates to the site. So far, it’s just been changing the layout (I think it’s pretty much obvious that I prefer the darker layouts) and I’ve add an RSS feed and an email icon. Both of these are located on the sidebar.

The first book in Endless Loop, entitled Color of Life, is almost done with writing. I’m still going through the first Tales of the Supers book in editing, because all the changes I made were somehow lost.  I did get that book back from the second editor, and she was as brutal as I had asked for. There are a lot of changes to be made. I had made many of them, but again, the changes were somehow lost. Don’t ask me how.

I am finished moving, but I am in no way finished unpacking. I moved in at the beginning of August, but I don’t think a box has been opened since the middle of September.

NaNoWriMo will be beginning in a few weeks, and I’m hoping to have Color of Life completed, so that I can work on the second book in Endless Loop for this November’s book of the month. It will be entitled Blood and Sacrifice. Here’s hoping that I’m able to do this.

Another little update

67351_10100358139143133_1402287_n2I still haven’t done author photos, because clearly I suck at time management. Or it could be the three jobs plus writing. It could go either way on this one. So I’m thinking that this should be the photo I use on the back of the books. It’s my little lady Boo being a silly goose.

Okay, I’m joking. I’m not going to use Boo’s photo for my author photo. I am not yet that desperate. I just need to find some time to do the author photos and get one that I’m happy with using. Of course, I’m still waiting to hear back from the second editor to know how many more changes need to be made on top of the ones the first editor gave me. I asked her to be brutal, so I guess that must be what she’s doing.

There is still another month and a few days until the second Camp NaNoWriMo/JulNoWriMo starts up. I would love to have the first book ready before I get too far into the second one, but then I’m a piece of the way through the first story in that book as it is. I just wish I could scrounge more hours out of the day so that I can get more writing done. But let’s see: there’s the day job, the editing job, and the blogging job(s) that I’m doing, while I prepare for a big out-of-state move. I think that I’m finding time to sleep might be an accomplishment at this point.

Things to do

See? What did I tell you? More posts.

The book is still with my second editor, but I have at least finished the edits from the first editor. Apparently, my Microsoft Word got stuck on a British English dictionary at some point, because she caught all kinds of things where I was spelling things incorrectly for an American audience. This is why it is a good idea to have editors, especially someone willing to do line edits, before you self-publish.

There are still so many things I need to do before I can get this one out in the world. I still need to do author photos (before you guys just end up with a picture of one of my cats), and once all the edits are done, I need to have it copyrighted with the Library of Congress. Those are the big two, really. The latter will take a few weeks to get to me once it’s done, if I remember correctly from the last time I sent something in (again, under that other name). It’s been a bit, though, so I’m not 100% on the amount of time it takes. I just know I’m not paying the nearly $80 for expedited. That’s just too rich for my blood.

In the meantime, I’m working on the second book in the Tales of the Supers series… in between the day job, the contract editing job, and the blogging contract job. It’s a full day, let me tell you. But there will be more Tales of the Supers, and you can count on that.